Saint Alban Lodge No. 35, Free and Accepted Masons of The M.W.P.H.G.L. of Pa.

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October 2004 Communication


October 2004                                                     Cable Tow





The Pillar of…WISDOM


Be still my soul! The lord is on thy side; Bear patiently the cross of grief or pain; Leave to thy god to order and provide; I every change he faithful will remain. Be still my soul! Thy best, thy heavenly friend. Thro’ throny ways leads to a joyful end.

Greetings from the East. God is good all the time and all the time god is good. I hope and pray this communication comes to you and your families in good spirits.

     I brother Sebastian Collins thank each and everyone of you, for giving me the opportunity to preside as Worshipful Master of this, St Alban Lodge #35. With that being said, let’s get to work!


1)       Lodge meeting will be Friday 10/22/04 @7:00PM.

2)       Petitions for membership are do now if you have them.

3)       Let’s update our phone numbers and address’ Bring or send to the meeting or directly to the secretary.

4)       Let’s keep up with our dues!!!


       1)  Bring dropped brothers back to the lodge.


Fraternally Submitted,

Sebastian Collins

Worshipful Master




The Pillar of…STRENGTH


Greetings from the West!


I would like to say that I hope that all is well with each and every brother and member of St. Alban's extended family.  In addition, I would also like to thank everyone for allowing me to advance from the junior to the Senior Warden.  Moreover, as we start off with a new administration, I hope that everyone is ready to work and be supportive of our lodge.  Our lodge is still in financial dire, I hope, fast, and pray that we can all come together so that we can overcome this situation in the very near future.  I also hope that each brother is doing well.  Finally, as we attempt to focus on how St. Alban #35 once flourished and return to those traditions, I hope to see a lot of brothers turn out on the fourth Friday and shed light, wisdom, and guidance to your lodge brothers.


Keary Willis

Senior Warden

October 2004                                                     Cable Tow





The Pillar of…BEAUTY

There are six things the Lord hates;

Seven that are detestable to him:

Haughty eyes, a lying tongue,

Hands that shed innocent blood,

A heart that devises wicked schemes,

Feet that are quick to rush into evil,

A false witness who pours out lies and

A man who stirs up dissension among brothers.

Proverbs 6:16-19


      First giving praise to the All Knowing, All Powerful, and Ever-Present Supreme Architect, I would like to thank the brothers for electing me to serve as Junior Warden for the next ensuing year. Prayerfully I will be able to share some of the wisdom I have acquired in the twenty–one years I have been a part of this great Lodge. I will strive for us to work together in harmony, which is a necessity to accomplish all tasks, which are before us. One of my duties as Junior Warden is to superintend the craft during the hours of refreshment. I have informed the Master of my plan to have us, as a lodge, to be more involved in the act of charity during that time. This does not mean us being more charitable in a monetary sense. There are ways of being charitable which at times involve no monies at all. I will therefore, by direction of the Worshipful Master bring to the body certain charitable endeavors for our full participation. This is just one plan I hope will help to bring us back together as Men and Masons.

Fraternally Yours,

Terence R. Moody

                                                                          Junior Warden


Cabinet meetings will be every Wednesday.

Townwatch is 2nd Thursday 11/11/04

Past Masters meeting is 3rd Tuesday 11/16/04

Charitable endeavors: St Alban would also like your assistance this year as we conduct a clothing drive for needy families. Especially winter coats!


We may make past editions of the newsletter available for download.


St Alban Lodge #35
Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania
Hon. Melvin A. Austin Most Worshipful Grand Master